One step at a time

Your Journey begins ...

Whether you were thrust onto the path you are now walking against your will, or if you planned for it, you will need to pause and inventory what it is that you have to travel with … and who.

You have what you came with, you will need to see what you need, and you will learn that what you thought you needed, might not have been what you needed at all! Journey with us and partake of the resources we’ve partnered with and found along the way. It’s a long journey. It will take you the rest of your life to walk it. 

A Journey shared is more than surviving … it’s THRIVING!

Why It Matters ...

Mental, psychological, and social well-being define the term “mental health.” Our mental health determines how we work with others, have relationships, and handle stressful situations. 

We facilitate and provide a safe place to process, heal, and access resources for various issues affecting mental health. It takes time and patience. It also requires a loving support system of people who understand the journey and who are willing to share what they learned along the way. 

Many people are not even aware of existing mental health issues in themselves or others because of the belief that issues such as depression, anxiety, anger, and other negative mindsets can be “fixed” with perscription drugs. Nor do they recognize that childhood adversities and trauma can affect their mental health. That’s where Living Stones Center comes in.

We network with other professionals and nonprofits who are experts in their fields, and walk along side of you while you heal and process your journey. 

Stress and Trauma Recovery

The following resources include help in recovering from childhood sexual abuse, life coach and trauma recovery support, stress reduction and Biblical Counseling. 



Online and local groups in the Denver, CO area for women over 45 and the family members they love so much.

Sarah's Tent ministry to pastor's wives and women in ministry


Mentioned in 2007 in TIME Magazine, this is a place where pastor's wives,. women in leadership can share life together.

CompletedPeople, LLC logo


Christian Life Coach and Consultant for those with a desire to learn from hard life experiences - especially in the church.

Help in Challenging Seasons and Daily Life Journeys


Christian Counselor, Sharon Worrell. Energy Code and Body Code therapies providing astonishing results in your healing journey. Online and onsite.

Marilyn VanDerbur


An inspirational website for the healing of childhood sexual abuse and resources for recovery. Many videos of Marilyn's own personal journey as well as interviews and educational lessons.