A journey shared is more than surviving, it's thriving.

Upheavals in organizations, marriages, relationships, and families are the result of unrecognized traumas. People who do not know that they are living out of trauma are seeing and reacting to the world around them through traumatic filters.

We educate leaders and individuals on how to recognize trauma, in themselves and in those they serve; in order to understand the hidden dynamics that often undermine personal and organizational success.

A fragile, dried leaf lays on the ground. It's been stepped on and cracks are visible. The leaf is in the shape of a heart.

Traumatized people are programmed to believe they are “wrong” for anything they think, feel or say. Thoughts, ideas, and communication skills get scrambled like a plate of scrambled eggs.

Having to explain and justify every thought a person has, or to wait for permission to speak and being afraid of the consequences, play heavily into why it takes so long for a victim to speak (while make sense) … Most definitely, patience is needed. Not instruction or criticism.

Brene’ Brown said in a recent podcast, “Empathy is listening to another person’s story of pain – and believing them.” I love that. That means no matter how many times they have to say it and sometimes it takes years for them to believe their trauma actually happened.”

Participate in small groups locally and online to learn how to become healthier in your communication, your thoughts, the decisions you make in life, or even how you eat, play, work, or worship.

Mentoring, discipleship, and relationship … Because LIFE HAPPENS … and you WILL impact others, positively … or negatively. 

We meet and discover, through a wide range of resources and information, the various areas where trauma occurs, and in a safe, relational setting, discuss and discover hidden belief systems that are sabotaging whole-living.

Classes and workshops are held online and locally in an experiential setting to provide real-time conversations, reactions, and communication techniques to show the differences between a debate and a dialogue.

Sarah's Tent ministry to pastor's wives and women in ministry


The community of Sarah's Tent was mentioned in TIME magazine in 2007. Blog posts and online events to help Leadership women find answers together in a safe environment, free from toxic judgments that prevent healthy growth.



Circle's Journey Groups tap into the conversations and questions that women have, but have not been able to ask or have addressed. The goal is to redeem the past, cherish the now, and live forward in freedom and joy. 

Resources for Growth


Excellent resources can be found in a mind-boggling variety of ways. Whether it is a book, a mentor, a video, or class, it is vital that you know where to find these resources in order to continue to facilitate your growth and to share with others. 

About Us ...

Young Families

Living Stones Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that hosts and facilitates small groups focusing on healing individuals and families in a safe environment. Whether it is a Circles’ group of women 40 and up, or families enjoying activities on a family farm, we create facilitated experiences that help heal broken hearts and relationships with ourselves and others. 


Through local meetings, and workshops online, discover how you are truly reacting to life events … not how you think and believe you are.

Supporting each other

We cannot survive this world without one another. Learning how to appreciate who you are – and who is next to you, helps us to understand how we can overcome difficulties together.

Not understanding simple clues and behaviors can trigger negative responses. We usually respond with our various filters and learned belief systems.

Chaos, confusion, offenses, and emotional upheavals are inevitable. Left unchecked, serious dysfunctions arise in the form of abusive and enabling behaviors. This seriously impacts our health, marriages, and more importantly, children and our community as negative behaviors flow into the world around us.

Being told what the problem is, often causes people to become defensive. Creating an experience that reveals how they respond to various situations, however, will enable the participant to discover things at a much deeper level in a safe environment.