A different approach to the typical Bible Study that you may be familiar with. This study group has a game format to facilitate curiosity and an openness for inquiry and answers.
Each player controls their own experience and pace of inquiring about any sacred cows that might appear through discussions of what we believe, have been taught (or caught), and clarity in understanding why they serve or hold us down.
Second Saturday of each month.after LIFE Circles
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Come for both, or just one. Lunch is provided at noon.
R.S.V.P. if you’ll be joining us for either LIFE Circles or SPOTTING SACRED COWS
Tools and Rules
The following gives you an idea of how this particular Circle meeting will flow. We will have …
- THE FEED TROUGH: A bag that contains concepts and beliefs written on strips like a Chinese fortune cookie. These are various concepts or topics that deserve to be questioned to uncover Sacred Cows. The strips will be pulled out randomly to “feed” the conversation.
- A PADDLE SIGN: that displays a large card. On one side is a large question mark, on the other side is an ear.
- ? = Ask me questions
- Ear = “I’m all ears” give me feedback
The paddle will be held by the person who starts the discussion they pick and they will control how they receive information. They can pass to the next person if they are not seeking a sacred cow.

REMINDER: A “sacred cow” is a term used to describe something that is considered to be beyond criticism or questioning, often due to cultural, religious, or traditional significance. It can refer to practices, beliefs, or institutions that are held in high regard and are often protected from change or scrutiny, regardless of their practicality or relevance. The term is frequently used in discussions about social norms and taboos.
- NOTICING HANDOUT – always available for people to jot down notes. Download.
- RESEARCH TOOLS – Bring your personal computer, desired books, or other material to research as needed.
- Watchers learn by watching the interactions
- Responders learn by noticing their thoughts and interactions and responding according to how the Seeker is receiving them.
- Seekers are in charge of their personal experience and learn to set boundaries and pace their journey.