Life can be complicated, bewildering, inspirational, fearful, traumatic, amazing … you get the idea. 

In Life Circles we dig down into topics that most of us have never thought to discuss or explore. Topics like:

  • Narcissism
  • People Pleasing
  • Childhood Diversity
  • C-PTSD
  • Personality Differences
  • Body Language
  • Handwriting Analysis
  • Dreams and Metaphors
  • Emotions
  • Communication Styles
  • Extroversion/Introversion and why it matters
  • and so much more …

Beginning Saturday, June 10, 2023, we’ll be meeting in person in the Westminster, CO area. There will be videos, handouts, and workbooks, to list a few of the tools, to deep dive into what we have experienced in our lives. Change doesn’t happen without identifying what needs to change – and what doesn’t. 

Groups are facilitated by a Professional Life Coach and considerations are made for all communication styles. The focus is the TOPIC.

SUBSCRIBE TO BE NOTIFIED of all Circles Events and locations.  



How are you … REALLY?

What insights or thoughts have you come away with during a LIFE Circle? RELATIONSHIP Circles are the place for great conversations and developing relationships around activities that arrange from:

  • Watching movies or videos
  • Eating and talking
  • Being creative
  • Laughter
  • Experiencing what you’re learning
  • Encouragement and Motivation
  • Games 
  • Enjoying Nature
  • Learning about one another and our cultures (and why it matters!)
  • and of course, so much more …

Beginning Saturday, May 27th, 2023, we’ll be meeting in person in the Westminster, CO area. The location may be a private home, a restaurant, a community center, a clubhouse, or in nature. This is where we learn to practice what we ‘preach’. 

Groups are facilitated by a Professional Life Coach and considerations are made for all communication styles. The focus is RELATIONSHIP – including yourself.

SUBSCRIBE TO BE NOTIFIED of all Circles Events and locations.  

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